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All useful product documentation are below in PDF Format:

Click Here... Bio Sanitizer White Paper
Click Here... Bio Sanitizer Installation
Click Here... Bio Sanitizer Operation
Click Here... CDC Acute Illness and Injury from Swimming Pool Chemicals
Q: Is the Bio Sanitizer really easy to install?
A: Yes, it is very easy to install. Assuming that you have the necessary tools (tape measure, hack saw, PVC primer and glue) on hand, it takes less than 30 minutes to install and program your bio sanitizer. There are detailed step-by-step instructions included in the installation kit.
Q: Does the power supply support 110v or 220v?
A: Both. Our outdoor UL rated power supply comes with two (2) cords for you to choose from. If you have an electrical 110v outlet near your pool equipment, use the cord with the standard plug prongs on it. If you don’t have an outlet available, you use the other cord and hardwire it into pool pump timer or 220v power source.
Q: What are the PVC adapters for?
A: They are optional PVC adapters. There two (2) possible pool PVC pipe sizes which are either 1 ½” or 2” pipe. If your pool’s equipment uses 2” PVC pipe, you don’t need to use the PVC adapters. If your pool’s equipment uses 1 ½” PVC pipe, use the adapters.
Q: After my bio sanitizer is installed, is there anything else that I need to do?
A: Yes, you need to run the bio sanitizer for the first time to create a base line of ions in the pool. We call this New Pool Mode. It is just a matter of selecting your pool size and putting the Controller Unit into New Pool Mode and allowing your pool pump to run for an extended period of the time. The amount of will be determined by the size of the pool that you set. Step-by-Step instructions are included in your installation kit.
Q: What if I do not know the size of my swimming pool?
A: To calculate the volume of water in your swimming pool. Use a tape measure and measure the length and width of your pool, you will need to know the average depth of the shallow and deep end. Use the online pool volume calculator to figure out your pool size.
Q: Do you have online installation videos and PDF’s?
A: Yes, in addition to the detailed step-by-step instructions included the installation kit, you can simply visit our “Customer Support” page on our website. You will be prompted for your 10 digit serial number to enter the “Customer Support” page. Your serial number is displayed on the “status display” screen on your Controller Unit when it is powered up.
Q: When does the Bio Sanitizer run?
A: The bio sanitizer will run ONLY when your pool pump is running and ONLY for a specific time period within a given 24 hour period. When your pool pump turns on, sensors inside the Sanitizer Chamber senses water flow and engages the Control Unit to start producing ions based on the selected pool size. After the Bio Sanitizer has ran for that predetermined time the unit will disengage and wait until the next day’s duty cycle.
Q: Go forwarding; do I need to add any chemicals to my pool?
A: You only need to add one (1) 7-day three inch Chlorine puck to your floating dispenser every 2 weeks. This amount is Chlorine is very minor, as it only aids in the electrolysis process. Water by nature is not a really good conductor; it needs a boost to be more conductive. The Chlorine adds that boost to the water and assists the electrolysis process in producing ions. To give you an example on how miniscule the amount is; if you were only using Chlorine pucks to chlorinate your swimming pool, on average you would use 10-14 pucks per month for your pool. Using the Bio Sanitizer, you only need to use 1-2 pucks per month, that is a 90-95% reduction of exposure to cancer causing Oragano-Chlorine Agents.
Q: Do I need to be concerned about the pool’s pH and Alkalinity?
A: No. After your bio sanitizer has established a base line of ions in the pool and your Chlorine has dissipated from your pool, your swimming pool’s environment will maintain the pH and Alkalinity in a natural balance.
Q: How often do I need to test my pool’s water?
A: In the beginning, you want to test your pool’s water every few days until the ion base level has been established. Then once every few weeks. We included an ion test kit in your installation kit.
Q: How long will the Sanitizer Chamber Rods last?
A: Depending on what part of the country you live in and the size of your pool. For a standard 12-15,000 gallon pool; southern states that use their pool year round can plan on replacing the rods every 1 ½ to 2 years. For northern states that use their pool a few months out of the year and expect to get 3-4 years out of their chamber rods.
Q: How will I know when the Sanitizer Chamber Rods need to be replaced?
A: On the Control Unit’s “status display” screen, while in “Stand by” mode, the % of the remaining chamber rod life is displayed. When the rod life reaches 7% life remaining, the “status display” will display a notice that it is time to replace the rods soon and the Control Unit will play an audible alert.
Q: How do I replace the Sanitizer Chamber Rods?
A: Very simple, with your pool pump off, use an adjustable crescent wrench to remove the black drain plug at the bottom of the Sanitizer Chamber Tee then disconnect the other end of the communication cable from the Control Unit. Replace with new sanitizer rod and communication cable assembly. Detailed instructions and videos are available on the “Customer Support” page of our website.
Q: I have built in hot tub and waterfalls in my swimming pool; will that affect my Bio Sanitizer?
A: No. The Bio Sanitizer will not interfere the operation or performance of your water features.
Q: I have a pool heater, will that affect my Bio Sanitizer?
A: No. The Bio Sanitizer will not interfere with the operation or performance of your pool / spa heater.
Q: Is it true that can reduce the amount run time on my pool pump?
A: Yes.
Q: How do I winterize my Bio Sanitizer?
A: Very easy to do. Use a crescent wrench and loosen or remove the drain plug from the bottom of the Sanitizer Chamber Tee to release and drain any water inside the chamber Tee. Then disconnect the communication cable and power supply connection from the Control Unit and store the components indoors until spring.
Q: Where can I learn more about the chemical dangers of traditional swimming pools?
A: Visit the “Learning Center” on our website, it is filled with feature rich facts and supporting documents and links for your review.
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